
I follow a lovely lady on YouTube called Melaniie Murphy. I love her makeup videos and I find her very relatable, personable, and friendly. Watching her videos is like spending time with a good friend.

Melaniie has struggled with acne for years; she makes a lot of videos about her experiences and works to support others who also suffer from acne. She recently made a video called ‘what not to say to people with acne,’ which includes: complaining about your own pimples, telling the person to use certain products or change his or her diet, or telling the person who has had acne for years – and will have it into adulthood – that it’s simply a phase.

I could write a blog post called ‘what not to say to people who have visible physical difficulties’ but what really struck me about Melaniie’s video is that if people didn’t bring up my disability with me, they would notice other things about me that they could bring up. If it wasn’t my impairment, people could comment on my frizzy hair, my hormonal breakouts, my surgical scar, my teeth, or any other number of things. Everyone has things about them that other people will comment on or criticize. No one is exempt.

Melaniie is beautiful, intelligent, funny, and kind. She is gracious and thoughtful, using her experience to empower and help others who have been through similar struggles. She was brave enough to share her eating disorder story and the steps she took to a healthy recovery, and that in itself is very considerate and shows tremendous strength.

When I watch Melaniie’s videos or I think of her, I don’t think of her acne or her eating disorder recovery. I think of her effervescent personality, her loveable makeup tutorials, and her endearing Irish accent. It’s very funny and adorable to hear her say ‘balm’ and ‘fuck.’

The adversities that Melaniie chose to share are just facets of who she is and not all of who she is. That’s something people who have persistent struggles with things like disability and acne face: you can let it become all of you or eat up everything about you if you let it. From the looks of it, Melaniie doesn’t let these things define her, and she has found a positive way to use them to help herself and other people.

She’s my Woman Crush Wednesday.

About Norah

writer. aspiring editor.
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